Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - October 2017

Today I am participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.  I have participated since July and have really enjoyed connecting with other gardeners through this link up! In September I was worried I wouldn’t have much left in my garden by mid-October but we have had a mild few weeks and many of the flowers are still going.  So here is a little peek into my garden in the South West of England.

The flowers are pretty self-explanatory but I am linking here back to my posts from the summer for you to take a look at my hydrangea.  As you will see in the picture above it is now a dark pink, however it started the season as white and has changed each month.  Take a look back at June, July, August and September to see the incredible changes. 

Fingers crossed I still have something interesting to show in November!
