A Year of Bringing Nature Inside – 4/52

#ayearofbringingnatureinside - week 4 of 52 by A Little Sew and Sow
My project to create an arrangement every week in 2018 – from natural materials that have been gathered, grown or foraged – is really making me open my eyes whilst outside.  I find myself studying the hedgerows, looking at my own garden in more detail and observing the world around me.  It is also encouraging more family walks around our local area. 

There isn’t a huge amount of variety at the moment, but I do love a challenge.  This week I collected some twigs with catkins attached.  I was really surprised on one walk the amount of different catkins that could be seen.  The different stages of their development are really noticeable and range from a dark purple when closed to a pale green when in flower. My initial plan was to photograph a selection of the different coloured catkins but I really struggled to get a good shot that showed the colours off.  I therefore opted for just capturing the dark purple ones, which are currently looking great on my mantelpiece. 

If you would like to join in with my challenge please add them to Instagram using the hashtag #ayearofbringingnatureinside or email your photos to alittlewsewandsow@gmail.com
