Christmas Gifts for Quilters and Sewists

Modern Quilter's Box - Autumn 2017

Please note some of the links in this post are affiliate links – these don’t cost you anything but earn me a few pennies to help keep the lights on around here! 

With Christmas quickly approaching we are all turning our minds to gift buying.  So today I thought I would share a few ideas for what to buy a quilter or sewist that won’t matter if it doubles up on something they already have. 

My hubby recently bought me a Modern Quilter’s Box, which was a lovely gift.  This is a postal service and the contents of the box are a surprise.  You can purchase these as a one-off or on a regular subscription basis.  The box I received contained fabric, patterns and a beautiful pin badge.  I am also keen to try the Stitch Box from Stitch Bridgend and have put that on my own Christmas list. 

Pins might seem like a strange buy but they get so tired and bent over time and a good quality pin is always welcome in my sewing room.  How about these fine Clover pins with glass heads so they don’t melt when ironed.

Clover clips are a favourite quilting tool of mine and I would bet even those who have already discovered them don’t have enough; they are certainly addictive!

I am forever dropping pins on the floor, sticking them in my clothes or (worse still!) holding them in my teeth.  I don’t get on very well with pincushions and so have been looking for an alternative.  I recently stumbled upon this wrist pin caddy and popped it on my own Christmas list. 

Every quilter and sewist has their own scissors and rotary cutters, but I have recently noticed the quilting community on Instagram going mad for the new range of Tula Pink hardware – and I can see why.  These are beautiful and would be a welcome addition to any sewing room. Note, they also do left-handed scissors. 

A gift voucher can be a fantastic gift as it gives you the opportunity to choose a project just for yourself, then buy the required materials. I really love the fabric collection curated at Millie Moon so would highly recommend a gift voucher that can be used either in their shop in Frome, or on their new website.

Finally, I love to use Gütermann threads as they are fantastic quality – and Bertha (my lovely Janome XL 601) really likes them.  However, I am rubbish at using them up and keep forgetting to replace them.  Therefore, why not treat someone to a lovely pack of thread to add to their collection. 

I hope that has given you a few ideas to buy for others or even to pop on your own Christmas wish list!   
