#mygardenrightnow for the Chelsea Fringe

#mygardenrightnow for the Chelsea Fringe
Michelle over at VegPlotting is organizing an event for the Chelsea Fringe and is encouraging gardeners to take a photo of themselves in their garden.  I haven’t participated in an event like this before so am very pleased to be taking part (thanks Michelle for organizing!).  I thought I would use this opportunity to offer you a little peek over the fence into my garden. 

We moved to our house near Bath 18 months ago and inherited a fairly sparse garden and what was there was in pretty bad shape.  We have therefore started with quite a blank canvas.  The layout and landscaping is not what we would choose but many of our financial efforts have had to start in the house where there is also a lot of work to do.  We have therefore used existing borders, pinched a bit of the grass area to extend our veg plot and filled up an old pond to use as a raised bed.

I look forward to the garden becoming more established over the years and hopefully being able to benefit from the apple trees and fruit bushes we have planted this year.  In the meantime we are managing to harvest a small amount of veggies from our space and are enjoying some young perennials and flowers. 

As well as the photo above of me in my little bit of garden I thought you might like to see a few more of what we have done with it – oh and my little green-fingered helper (2.5 years old) was desperate for me to take a picture of him!   

Mangetout Peas
I love using vintage pans etc as pots and I find the slugs hate the metal
International Kidney and Charlotte New Potatoes
Flower Bed
Onions, Garlic and Shallots
My Little Helper


  1. It looks really well established for a young garden. Well done!

  2. Hi Kelly, your garden is looking so bountiful already. I am so pleased to see that you are getting your little helper involved in growing plants. Here's to a great gardening future!

    1. Thanks Sarah. I remember gardening with my grandparents when I was little so hoping my little man will look back fondly on this one day as I do!

  3. Now that is one cute kid! Wonderful that he is interested in growing things!

  4. Hi Kelly, thanks for taking part in #mygardenrightnow and welcome to the world of blogging! Your garden is looking most productive already and it's great you have a little helper so keen to pitch in :)

  5. Nice garden and your little helper is adorable.


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